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Make Me Feel Human...
2004-04-19 | 7:20 a.m.

The office manager is totally putting me off this morning. We're supposed to meet and talk about the vacation issue going on. When I asked her when she wanted to meet up, her only response was, "Before the staff meeting at 8:30. But I need to get settled in." My reply was, "Alright...just let me know."

...And then I started thinking about how maybe my work fantasy will come true on June 15th. The one where I just don't say anything...I just pack up all my swag around my cubicle, don't even say a word on my way out the door, and never fucking come back. Afterall, I need more kick-ass stories to tell Nattie when she's older...

In the midst of imagining what it would feel like to drive away from this place and know that I would never again have to make the drive that I've been making five days a week over the past four years of my life, my friend Deana stopped by my cube to say she was getting rid of her gargoyles and wanted to know if I wanted them. It was the first time I smiled at work today.


She just called me into her office...keep your fingers crossed.


All is well. I got my three days off in June. I can breathe again and let the knot in my stomach relax and untangle itself. I need to celebrate this triumph sometime this week with delicious beverages and my new goth princess dress. Any takers?

Current Mood: Relieved

Current Soundtrack: Interpol

Current Skirt: Plaid pants...so sue me.


So I saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 on Saturday night. The movie made me cry. Twice. Granted, these were PMS-amplified tears...but the sentiment was really there on the screen. I remember it was during these parts where I choked up: When Beatrix sees her daughter for the first time and gets to cuddle with her and then again when Beatrix is laying on the floor in the bathroom crying and saying, "Thank you" over and over again. I just...could relate. I'm a mother. A single mother. This second part of Kill Bill flipped a switch in me that I have been stumbling to find in the darkness of myself for a long time. A fucking Tarrantino flick did this. Go figure! The movie was stellar....go see it....and I mean both parts.

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