Welcome To CandyLand...
Just Follow Your Nose....
2004-04-06 | 10:23 p.m.
I've noticed in the mornings that when I go outside my place, there is a nice smell of flowery freshness in the air that makes me excited for this time of year.

Speaking of smells...when I was listening to Interpol in the car on the way to band biznasty tonight, it brought back the smell of my old apartment for some reason. That place smelled so damn good. I think it was the combo of the natural smell of the place combined with the natural smells of Meredith, Nattie, and me.

And then it got me remembering how in the summer once it would get dark outside we would open all the windows and put the box fans in the window sills. We'd strip down to our bras and panties and sit at the dining room table and drink beer. Those are great memories I will hold near and dear to my heart forever. Last summer Meredith and I rocked our own little world in The Springs....and it was lovely.

I wish the place I'm in now would smell as good as the place I shared with Meredith. But the walls are too thin so the neighbors' stink up my place with their yucky cooking and yucky smoking. I checked the new ads today for rentals...but there's no new places to check out. So the search will continue on....

For now this is Candy saying I can't believe they tore down that great little A-frame building by the Dairy Queen! I have a thing for A-frame buildings....

Current Mood: Tired

Current Soundtrack: The hum of my computer

Current Skirt: Just my panties...I'm off to bed now....

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