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The Smell of Peppery Piss...
2004-04-06 | 6:37 a.m.
I was way fucking late to work today...

I forgot my purse at home and had to trek all the way back home after dropping Nattie off at my mom's to retreive it. And if I didn't have to turn in all the incentive recaps in at work today, I just would have crawled back in bed and called in sick.

Last night Nattie and I hung out with Tasia and we laughed so hard...it felt damn good. (I especially enjoyed her public transportation stories.) We listened to Type O Negative in the car and enjoyed being serenaded by Peter Steele's sexy vocals.

Current Mood: Brain not fully functional yet today

Current Soundtrack: The murmur of people talking down the hall

Current Skirt: B & W wool pants & my Trogdor shirt

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