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Ghetto CAM in 5...4...3...2...
2004-03-16 | 7:49 a.m.
Last night I got out some magazines to finish up my collage for my Shakespeare class. I had to glue on the words Kate's Choler onto the frame in mixed letters. I love how I used the R from the Iron Maiden logo on it.

I also didn't want the glass in the frame because I'm going to use wire to attach it to the frame to help portray just sheer lovely craziness but the glass would not come out so I had to go outside and drop it onto my back porch. Can I just say I fucking love the sound of shattering glass? It was so delightful and somewhat therapudic. I was also happy to find that the high chair I had set outback with the "FREE" sign on it was gone also. That's life in the ghetto, though...white trash don't understand that it's easier to change condoms than diapers.

Speaking of the ghetto, I borrowed my parents' digital camera again and I'm going to start up a little thing I like to call The Ghetto Cam and you all will find it amusing, I am sure. I will keep a permanent link to it on this here thingy.

Last night I also took advantage of my new reborn love of my record player. While I was listening to this old praise record that made me feel like I was a dame in a Tarantino film, I couldn't help but wish that Billy Corgan was there to make out with me...

Lastly, before I get fired for slacking, I had the most bizarre experience yesterday. My little 10-year-old second-cousin Kiley called me and was all, "We're doing projects on famous people in my class and my teacher said I could do mine on you!" It's just a little surreal, you know? I mean, you just never know who really looks up to you or values what you are doing. The interview was tough, let me tell you. I thought it was funny she asked me about my previous marriage...the kid's a tough journalist, what can I say? It just cracks me up, though...someone doing a famous person project on me when I'm not even famous. It's got my curiosity going on how she even got that one approved. Did she bring our CD into her class? I don't really know. I just know that I am flattered.

For now this is Candy saying The Flamingo in Vegas...let's hope these plans work out.

Current Mood: Meh. I hate this place

Current Soundtrack: TON - October Rust

Current Skirt: Black pants with red pinstripes


I had the craziest dream about The Jolenes last night. We were playing a show at Dantes (only it looked nothing like Dantes in my dream) and we were dancing on stage. No one had instruments but Katy and Xtina were singing and I had on sparkly red shoes. Anyway...I felt very out of place cuz my only job was to dance since we didn�t have any instruments. I had no pants on...but sexy panties and a skimpty top. Then Katy got a little crazy and ripped off all her clothes and was singing on stage naked! Afterwards she was all, "I know...I just don't know what got into me but I went for it!"


Reminds me of the cool version of it Jake played in the Durango last August while we were on tour and the memory gives me butterflies in my tummy. I miss Jake. I miss touring. I miss all our minions in California....

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