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While My Guitar Gently Weeps
2004-03-15 | 9:55 a.m.
Yesterday I felt like Beverly Donofrio when I brought Tasia over to my place and we played Beatles albums on my record player and we talked openly the way we used to and we laughed at Nattie being funny and I just didn't want her to go home. Ever.

I also enjoyed hanging out with Katy this weekend. The walk in Laurelhurst park was the picture of lovliness on Saturday and she found me a crucifix with a glow-in-the-dark Jesus for a steal of a deal at the store on NW 23rd that is going out of biznasty. The miniature altar she got me for my black cabinet looks stellar and added another level of symmetry which is awesome for the OCD in all of us.

It is time for a change....I can feel it in my bones. I'm going to start looking for a new part time job because this place is killing me faster than I had suspected. So wish me luck...

Current Mood: Contemplating a lot of things

Current Soundtrack: Interpol

Current Skirt: Monday's plaid pants


I loves me some good conversation. I laughed so hard today when I heard the story about how someone's dobermin pincher got into the trash and ripped open the bag where the used pregnancy test was....and I quote...

I mean, the thing probably smelled the piss you know...and thought 'hot damn!' I could just imagine it walking down the street with it hanging out of its mouth chewing on it like bone or something.

And I laugh again just typing it out...because its just so fucking hilarious.

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