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DarBeka...You Betcha!
2004-03-10 | 8:36 a.m.
Sometimes I wish I could take pictures with my eyes. It would be a super power like teleporting or exploding people's heads with one's mind. How it would work: Every time I blinked voluntarily instead of involuntarily, a picture would be taken. I could have a really cute Super Hero name like Snap and star in my own television series called "Peep Show". All of this came to me when I looked in my boss' office this morning and saw the most amusing expression on his face and wished I could burn the image in my mind to paper.

Last night The Jolenes went to meet with the girls from DarBeka to get fitted for our outfits they're customizing for us since we're playing their fashion show on April 3rd. I am excited because they're being specially made for us so we'll look absolutley fabulous. When it came to the skirt, I told them simply, "The black one with the two zippers...only shorter and with a cute dark haired Vargas girl on it wearing red." Cuz, you know, I'd wear that all the time. They're making us skirts and tops...and all for free! After the show, we also get to go to their fancy hotel suite for the after-party. Talk about the Rock Star treatment! The other designers in the show seem pretty cool...well, at least the guy who makes duct tape corsetts and likes to use latex paint!!

For now this is Candy saying Stuart's flying the airplane to Jesus!

Current Mood: Good times rock-n-roll

Current Soundtrack: Hole - Live Through This (on vintage cassette tape...guess who forgot to bring in her CD receptacles?)

Current Skirt: Pinstripe Pannts

Current Appendix-O-Meter: .7

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