Welcome To CandyLand...
It's Been Awhile, yes...
2004-03-09 | 7:00 a.m.
It is one of those days where my productivity is at about a 1.8...

I still can't believe that next week is finals and I have a ton of projects due on Monday. Ok, so one...but it's a total bitch. And another one due the following Friday. That one won't be so bad but I do need to find some more pictures for that collage. I am just going to add some stuff to one that I had made last year for my personal collection and pass it off as "Kate's Choler" from Taming of the Shrew...mwha ha ha.

Tasia and I broke the 11 month silence on Sunday. I am amazed at the way the word penis flows from her mouth so effortlessly. As long as I had known her (which has been since we were fetuses in our mothers' wombs) she had always refused to say the word penis...I was the only witness to the first time she said it a few years ago...and I hadn't heard her say it since. Fuck, it's been almost a year since we had talked and we've both just experienced a lot...I will be the first to admit that I have missed her voice.

It really bothers me that the water jug on the water cooler here has the phrase Deep Source Purity written across it. I mean, come on....it's not fucking face-wash we're drinking here...

It was so warm yesterday...that was incredible. I actually turned the heat off in my bedroom and opened the window last night. The ghetto is pretty quiet at night, amazingly enough...except for the train...but I didn't mind when it woke me up...I like the sounds it makes.

We're heading into my favorite stretch of weather...springtime goodness. I love it so much but I hate the summer heat. Hopefully my apartment won't get as hot as The Twins' Pad. That place was like a fucking inferno...

For now this is Candy saying I love how I tower over everyone here when I wear these boots!

Current Mood: Playful and a bit mischievious

Current Soundtrack: Interpol

Current Skirt: B&W wool pants

Current Appedix-o-meter: 0 (whoo! Let's hope I am cured)

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