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Mr. Body Massage Machine
2004-02-24 | 6:37 a.m.
Yesterday was the worst day I've had in such a long time. I guess the bad dream I had about being raped was an omen to how my day was going to go....and how my life seemed to be raped repeatedly throughout the day.

Here's a chronological timeline:

-The issue in payroll came up at work.

-I got caught in a traffic jam after work

-Which made me miss my first class....math, which is like a death wish

-It was "hell day" at school (Mondays and Wednesdays always are)

-Walking back to my car after school got out, I almost stepped on a dead starling

-A car backing out of a driveway almost hit me

-I was supposed to meet someone at the Pied Cow but it was closed

-I was excited to see Jake at the Aalto Lounge, but he wasn't working

...Ok I'll stop bitching. I heard once that whenever you have a bad day, you should think of three good things that happened and it doesn't seem so bad:

-I ate a delicious plum

-Katy left a really funny message on my cell phone

-I am not with Mark anymore

You know, that last one can always seem to put things into perspective for me.

I made a new acquantance last night. My friend Esther at work kept bugging me that she knew someone about my age who was trying to make friends because they moved up here from Ashland not too long ago. So after talking on the phone a few times with this person, I agreed to hang out. Since yesterday was so shitty, I expected him not to show up at the Pied Cow, but he did. And it was closed. So we went to the Aalto Lounge. He was courteous and somewhat interesting...but there was just something about him that bothered me that I can't quite put my finger on. So much for me branching out and making new friends....

Ah well...sometimes people rule, and sometimes they don't. And it takes those people that don't to really appreciate the ones that do. So to all of you that are in my life and leave your handprints on my heart in one way or another....I love you. Thanks for not sucking.

For now this is Candy saying....BODY MASSAGE!

Now let's just hope the rest of the week gets better....I need good company and beer.

Current Mood: Fuckin' exhausted from yesterday's brutality

Current Soundtrack: Interpol

Current Skirt: Pinstripe Panst

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