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Looking Up A Bit, No?
2004-02-25 | 7:23 a.m.

Man, it feels like a scummy 99 Cent Store in the office today. It smells like cheap bubblegum, weird plastic, and cigarette-smoke-ridden clothing around this hellhole and I can hear the modern adult contemporary rock coming from one of the offices.


Today is payday. And I forgot until I looked in my cubby hole and found my check. So that is good, even though all of it is going to bills this month.

My boss is gone both today and tomorrow...and I won't be at work on Friday. And that is delightful too.

Last night band biznasty was pretty damn productive. We have our new song down and it rocks ass. We also are starting to decide on tatts to celebrate the completion of our first album. We have been kicking around ideas for this since before the alubm even came out last August. After last night's discussion we're leaning towards a nice one of Creepy Dolly. For those of you who don't know who she is...I will tell you. I have this really cool and creepy vintage doll that we love and I brought it to our Jolenes photo shoot back in June...but she only got into one picture with Katy. But....we just need to find an artist to draw her. I asked Jelly to ask his sister but he said she moved and he hasn't heard from her since. I also thought about calling my old friend Jeff Smith...but I haven't heard from him in ages and I don't know if he'd be up for it. So...if any of you know of any really great artists that would like to do artwork that will be permanently placed on three hott chicks bodies, let me know.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I'm sort of starting to feel better today...the shittiness that has been this week is starting to wear down a bit I think.

I'm looking forward to Friday's show...Dantes is my favorite place to play.

For now this is Candy saying I thought there was a dead deer across the street but it was just a bag.

Current Mood: Better than it has been

Current Soundtrack: Durango Park - Early Recordings

Current Skirt: Favorite b&w wool pants

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