Welcome To CandyLand...
Realizations of Not-So-Baddenness
2004-01-27 | 7:17 a.m.
Today is a new day! I feel positive energy brewing in the percolator of my soul. Maybe it was the good night's rest. Or the fact that today is a short day at school. Or that I'm totally ready to rock it naughty catholic shcool girl style on Thursday. Or that misunderstandings have been cleansed. Or that Katy has this wonderful ability to put things into perspective and simulatenously tell me a hilarious story about Teri and the rainbow meetings. Or that the weekend is drawing neigh. Or that when I was practicing my new rock moves to Policeman with pencils instead of drumsticks last night Nattie was giggling her ass off and trying to emulate me. Or that my hair is long enough now to pull back the last remnants of shorter layers and look like a 60's girl-next-door vixen with past-the-shoulder length hair. Or that I'm wearing my favorite pair of pants and a Trogdor shirt.

At any rate...there is this crazy computer virus going around where you'll get an email from someone you don't know and it will say "test" in the body...or sometimtes it doesn't say anything at all but the address seems really valid. Like last night I got one from [email protected] thought it was from a teacher...but I didn't open the attachment because I wasn't sure and it seemed suspicious. Then at work I've already gotten two this morning. I forwarded them onto my IT guy and said..."Don't worry, I didn't open these" and he said, "Good thinking....If only everyone wouldn't open the attachments..." And it made me laugh because IT guys always tend to be a breed all their own with a lovely sense of sarcasm I can enjoy and appreciate. Probably because they deal with idiots all day just like I do...only probably even to a worse degree.

For now this is Candy saying Teri..I'm going to be late to the rainbow meeting...I need to change into my overalls and Birkenstocks!

So brill!

Current Mood: Renewed

Current Soundtrack: Zwan

Current Skirt: Crazy black and white woolen lovely pant-a-goodness

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