Welcome To CandyLand...
Fuck It!
2004-01-26 | 8:29 p.m.
Well...sometimes life likes to kick you in the crotch. And sometimes when you're laying on the floor in the fetal position with your hands over your nether regions in agony you check your email to try and feel better only to find that the only thing in your box is from someone named Thicken. With their subject being and lengthen your member in 30 days. And you can't help but laugh your ass off through the tears.

I am done with winter...but alas, it is not done with me. And, obviously, it plans to keep me held captive in its iron maiden for at least another full month.

Fuck that shit.

I'm going to go practice my rock moves for Policeman so I can fuckin' rawk it new school style on Thursday. At least a fun time is surely in store for Thursday...until then, I can't help but predict that I will remain sulky.

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