Welcome To CandyLand...
Thickening Goggles of Doom
2004-01-14 | 7:03 a.m.
And so...the stressful dreams continue (What did I expect really? Of all the things I said I wanted yesterday, I got...hmmm...lemme count...zilch!). This time...they included three people from my past...including Mark, of course. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I have a headache. I hope it's a pre-period headache and I'm going to start today.

I have a long day today...I won't get home until about 4:30. ACK! School is killing me already.

So...seeing as life is kicking me in the crotch right now...I'll bet I don't get a child support check this month either (it usually comes on the 14th which is today).

Hey...I just figured something out. Life sucks because it is January...the most dreaded and treacherous month in CandyLand. Maybe things will get better in sixteen days....

For now this is Candy saying have a fun-filled day!

Current Mood: Waaaah!

Current Soundtrack: Foo Fighters

Current Skirt: Dickies Nurse Dress

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