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This blows!
2004-01-13 | 6:29 a.m.
GrrrRRrrrrRR! Shit...I'm so angry at everything right now. I just want to be left alone and everyone at work keeps saying, "Hi! How are you!?" I'm not in a good mood. I'm pissed. I'm pissy. I just want to be left alone. I don't have the patience for charades around the office today. I'll put on some type of music to ward people off and try to stay in my seat as much as possible. Although...that doesn't stop them. They still come to my cube.

I hate today!

And tomorrow's not looking any better.

I give up.

Current Mood: *shakes fist*

Current Soundtrack: *picking it out*


I'm tired. I want to be at the beach. I want all these dreams I'm having each night with people from my past to stop. I want to know what the track listing to Machina II is. And I want a hot air balloon ride with whipped cream!

I'm a mess today, obviously. My period is three days late and each day that goes by the PMS steps up to another level. The tension gets hotter and hotter....the cramps more severe...the PMS goggles thicker...myself more whinier. Yeah, I'm ready to feel better. I was ready five days ago. Tonight before band practice I'm going to drink the special witchy period tea that tastes delicious like a minty envelope at Katy's house. Let's hope that it helps. It did last time.

People keep telling me they like my shoes today. Yeah, I've got cool shoes. What the hell did you expect?

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