Welcome To CandyLand...
Ice-Capade Dreams
2004-01-10 | 10:00 a.m.
Things are finally starting to thaw around here. Today I will be able to take out the trash and go retrieve my mail without slipping on the ice and falling on my ass. Let's hope, anyway.

I had some bizarre dreams last night. I think they included close to every single person I know....even Retodd, Crystal, and Amber Smith!! Katy was a badass vandalizing diva at the mall! I bought her a Strawberry Shortcake Fun Dip at the candy store. I bought myself a shitload of candy and some banana soap for 59 cents.

Moving on....

Well, I'm bored. I've got some toast waiting for me for breakfast downstairs.

For now this is Candy signing off as the artist formerly known as MissFit.

Current Mood: Hungry

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: Pink plaid wool


Well, I tried to do some watercolor painting today and I sucked. Mission Mail and Garbage is complete! And other than that, I have just been a sulky pastey white girl all afternoon. It's PMS. It's memories and emotions and life kicking me in the crotch. Because we as humans struggle. We are faulted. We always yearn for what we can't have even though we have so much to be thankful for. Well, fuck that, man.

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