Welcome To CandyLand...
Biz-ay fo' Shiz-ay
2003-12-22 | 9:17 a.m.
Such a busy week-end!! We played shoeGAYs on Friday, rawked Dante's on Saturday, and had Xmas BBQ on Sunday.

I like The Fez. It is a cool little place. There were actually a lot of well-dressed, good-looking, Interpol-esque boys there that evening. And that, my friends, you cannot beat with a stick!

The Dantes show was a lot of fun and the stage looked absolutley fabulous with all the icicles, snow-covered trees, and of course, my favorite accessory...the vintage deer Jake found at Goodwill. The highlight of the show...sleigh bells during "Physical." It rawked my world like you wouldn't believe. Oh...drunk Boyfriend telling Lanutza, "Get up there and shake your ass!" was also funny.

Man, this computer is being nuttier than a squirrel turd, so I'm going to cut this short for now and hope it's better tomorrow.

For now this is Candy saying let's go play grab-ass in the snow!

Current Mood: Tired and hungry

Current Soundtrack: Interpol

Current Skirt: Plaid pants

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