Welcome To CandyLand...
2003-12-19 | 7:29 a.m.
So help me God, I hate shoegaze! 1am? You've got to be shitting me. Everyone is going to be fucking sleeping by then. Ugh! We should have known better. Next time just say no to shoegaze. I should come with a phrase for it such like "Hugs not Drugs!" Hmmm...how about "It's just a phase...fuck shoegaze!" That's nice. Ooooh...or there's also "Let's eat Baked Lays...not listen to shoegaze!" Or "Who deserves some prasie? NOT SHOEGAZE!" Fuckers...

Other than that, I'm eatin' some Skittles.

For now this is Candy saying I don't have enough blood in my fucking body to hold onto my fucking drumstick!!!

That one's for you lil' Xtina!

Current Mood: EXCITED!!!!!!

Current Soundtrack: Interpol

Current Skirt: Dark jeans, black boots, and a black Zwan shirt. So sue me.

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