Welcome To CandyLand...
2003-12-18 | 6:40 a.m.
Ugh...so tired. I even went to bed early. I don't get it.

Is this week fucking over yet? No? Damn...

I really really really really really really don't want to stay past 10am today, but I know I'm going to have to. I can just sense the vibe, you know? Ugh...I'm just crabby today. I want to be home in bed. I want to take today and just do lazy shit like take three hours to take a bath and then wrap Christmas presents while listening to Smashing Pumpkins bootlegs in my room. And watch Maury Povitch with my mom....

Bossy just got in...

For now this is Candy saying we were so electrocute...in our has-been 1980s suits.

Current Mood: Goin' crazy

Current Soundtrack: TON - Life is Killing Me

Current Skirt: Black Dickies nurse dress


Oh man...I decided to clean out my Yahoo! e-mail account because Katy has been complaining that messages keep coming back undeliverable or that she sends them and I never get them. I've found a lot of interesting things like scenes from that book I was writing last year (the one that was lost in the crash). Scenes that had been written off real events that have been locked away in my mind for awhile. Scenes that made me remember what happened a year ago yesterday....do you rememeber? Do you remember walking around downtown Portland with me while I wore a pirate hat? hee hee. I also found the first email I received from Katy dated: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 14:44:52. Candy Jolene will turn 1 on January 7, 2004. I knew everything would work out...January 7th is a lucky day. (January 7, 1997 I saw The Smashing Pumpkins live in concert for the first time in my life.)

9:53 AM - BOOYA!

I am getting out of here on time. See ya Suckas!

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