Welcome To CandyLand...
Tusey McTusertons
2003-12-16 | 6:46 a.m.
Soooo tired again. It's winterness doing it to me. What's new?

I met the sex neighbors yesterday! They seem pretty cool. (I call them the sex neighbors because the first day I was moving my stuff in I heard them having sex.)

I am almost done setting up all my crap in my house. My room is done. The living room is done. All I need to do is finish Nattie's room (unpacking her stuffed animals), finish decorating the bathrooms, and hang up the rest of the pictures in the dining room. Oh...and go back to the old place to get my silverware (dumb me...I forgot!). I won that Pirate art on eBay to hang up in my kitchen. So I'm looking forward to its arrival.

*singing* I wanna go out cuz its raining and blowing...I can't go out cuz my roots are showing...DYE 'EM BLACK! Black, black, black, black number 1! This week (most likely tomorrow) I need to dye my roots...cuz I've got about an inch of them now. And that is lame.

GAHdhafjk;sdkl;yuei;ajkl I'm freaking out!!! I just want this week-end to get here. And...it's...taking...FOREVER!!! Or so it seems. Because I feel like I'm going insane with anticipation. Hands can do so much...

Well...I guess that's it. For now this is Candy wrapping myself up in black tulle and saying "I love it!"

Current Mood: Anxious and nothing but anxious

Current Soundtrack: TON - Bloody Kisses

Current Skirt: My NEW cute black and white Dickies dress with black and white striped tights and black mary janes. Hair is in pigtails. Witchy glasses are in place.


1. I am not going to have a regular phone until Christmas Eve because that is when they can send out a technichian. Bastards! Luckily I have a cell phone. But still...come on people! The lady was all, "Is this going to be a problem?" So I says to her, I says, "Yeah...but you've made it clear that there's obvioulsy nothing I can do about it!" And she says, "Nothing...you're fucked. Fuck off!" So I says, "Ok...I'm fucking..." That's more or less what happened. *laughs* Oh man...I totally stole that line....but it's a goodie *winks at the person who knows I stole it from them*

2. I got an e-mail from Math Class Dan. That guy is relentless. I thought by not taking him up on his offer for coffee twice during the quarter, he got the hint I was not interested. But yes...he asked me yet again. I took out the big guns...the "daughter card" to nonchalantly scare him off....Hey there! Happy holidays to you too. What have you been up to now that school is dead for awhile? I moved and am working..just chillin' with my two year old daughter. That's about it. One million dollars says I never hear from him again :-D You know, I could have told him I was hanging out with Boyfriend a lot too...but I just really don't want to talk to Math Class Dan at all because he is annoying so I needed a more permanent "get lost" vibe, you know? The "Boyfriend" card could have produced the "Just Friends" card with him. And I just don't want to talk to him. Period.

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