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Movey McMovertons
2003-12-15 | 6:28 a.m.
Ooooooh...I am sore from head to toe. I moved yesterday!!! That's all my dad and I did from about 8:30 in tha moanin' 'til about, oh, I don't know...four-ish. But then we had to set up stuff like Nattie's crib and the entertainment center. So we didn't stop until around 6 when we went back to my parents' house for din-din. Thank the Lord that Katy came around 2 with Vanpon!!! That saved us about two loads. Things like moving always shows you who the people who really care about you are...because they are the ones who still bring their van over to help even though they are hung over and feel like shit like Katy did :-) My own freakin' brother didn't even help me that slippery little shit! I'm going to tell my boss to give him hell for it.

Ahhhhh...but...it feels soooo good to be in my own place!!! I slept so well last night. I still need to go to the old place today and pack up my kitchen stuff and cleaning supplies and vacuum. I ran out of boxes yesterday....

Yesterday as I was bringing my pirate treasure chest out to my car I got this vision of it flying open and all the condoms and whatnot I keep in there flying all over the place and me scrambling to pick them up before my dad came back outside. Well, that happened as soon as I set it in my car!!! But luckily I was as swift as a gazelle and my dad remained oblivious. I thought about giving all those condoms away anyway since Boyfriend and I don't use them anymore since I have an IUD now, but I decided that I better keep them around because I didn't want to jinx anything. My luck, as soon as I got rid of them, my IUD would come out of place or something and then I'd be screwed...or, lack thereof.

On Saturday Katy and I got our outfits for the Jolenes Christmas show at Dantes coming up this Saturday. Mine consists of a sexy li'l white slip and white feather boa. I tried it on last night and it is so damn see-through so I need to figure something out. We're talkin' this thing leaves nothing to the imagination. I have a cream slip I might try to wear underneath it. I also bought a new Dickies dress that is so adorable!!! I'm excited about all the cool tights I'll be able to wear with it. I almost wore it today but then remembered how sweaty and dirty I'm going to get with finishing up moving and unpacking so it will have to wait until later in the week.

I missed a great pary on Saturday night!! A lot of fun people were there and everything. Inestead I stayed home with Nats since she had to spend the night with her male-DNA-contributor for the first time on Friday night and didn't get home until Saturday evening. That poor kid had her own bitemarks on her hand from being so stressed out. I felt terrible.

For now this is Candy saying don't talk shit because I'm not even coming close to fucking you over.

Current Mood: Tired and sore

Current Soundtrack: AIC - Jar of Flies

Current Skirt: Plaid pants

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