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Divine Intervention
2003-12-05 | 7:52 a.m.
Yesterday morning as I was getting into my car to come to work I thought to myself, "Shit...this weather sucks. I hope I'm going to be safe on the freeway!" Then my car wouldn't start. I tried like seven times. So I went back inside and called my mom and told her. My dad was out of town on business and wouldn't return 'til early that afternoon, and she didn't know what to do. So I went back to bed. Got up at 7:30, tried again. Still wouldn't start. I emailed Katy and Boyfriend after I got my ass up again at 9:30. On my way to school, snuggled into Meredith's Dodge Shadow, my cell phone rings. It's Boyfriend. "When you get home, try jiggling the steering wheel and starting it." Just like magic...it started right up. Now call me crazy (not stupid, please), but I knew to do that. I even think I may have done so. When start my car, I have my left hand on the wheel...so it will automatically jiggle a little. Divine intervention? I'm a believer! I'm convinced I would have gotten in a terrible wreck had I gone to work...especially since I thought about it before I got in my car. On top of that, I received my lot of religious statues and medals I bought off eBay in the mail yesterday!

That boyfriend of mine is a smart one!! Just like how he unclogs the shower drain, fixes the dome light in my car, adjusts the clock in my car, knows how to fix the wiring in Vanpon, etc. *happy sigh*

Oh man...I just want today to be over with so bad !! I have to leave in a half an hour to court...where I'll probably just sit and read my book 'til I have to leave for math class. I have to go too, because the final is on Monday and we're covering the last little section that's going to be on it. Then I have to turn in my portfolio for English 101 and do my grammar presentation. Ugh...so much studying to do this week-end for that damn math final. *shakes fist*

After Monday though, things should be a little better stress-wise with school being dead for awhile. I will miss it a little, though. Especially all the people I pass by on a daily basis. I love people watching!! Like the bleach-blonde goth boy with the big strappy boots that reminds me of Good Omen Ricky. The long black-haired metalhead that tucks his black pants into his black boots. The middle-aged long-haired metalhead that wears that funny hat. The girl with the cool white-framed glasses that someone once refered to as my sister...or was it my twin sister? The weird girl that sits in my seat in the math class before me that always wears that medallion on her forehead. People I won't miss: Math Class Dan. Yeah...pretty much everyone else that I didn't list in the people that I liked to watch.

Saturday night is going to be fun when we go to the Aalto Lounge for Katy's birthday bash. Jake is going to bake her a cake and have it ready for her there. Katy and I plan on getting our pre-party funk on and have some tasty beverages before we go. So I'm bringing over my big ass bottle of Vox Vodka. I need a good unwinding after a stressful week.

Well, for now this is Candy saying Ramadon...I hate you!

Current Mood: Excited for today to be over

Current Soundtrack: An old tape of SP rarities that Jeff Smith made for me eons ago

Current Skirt: Pinstripe mobster pants (to look nice for court)

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