Welcome To CandyLand...
2003-12-01 | 7:59 a.m.
I think I've become inspired to write something. Seriously, it's crazy. I just need to get some time on my side and sit down and pour it all out. It's my plan of action for winter break. I'll have a lot of time to do this. My intentions are to write something that is so truthful yet inspiring. I have struggled for about a year with a set of characters and setting that I can see...well, it's more like watch so clearly. But they don't really do anything. And when I try to make them do something, it seems forced. I guess I don't know what to do with them. Which is why I am convinced that my computer crash last year was God saying, "Nope! This isn't what you need to be writing!"

...So I'm going to write what I know. Which is about my life, what I've learned, what I've experienced, how I've been blessed. I'm going to put my sarcastic wits into it, but it's also going to be sincere.

I think about how much Beverly Donofrio insipres me. It makes me want to inspire others. I've begun to read her book Looking for Mary, or The Blessed Mother and Me which is her sequal to Riding In Cars With Boys. So far, it's pretty good but I have a feeling the end will be the clincher. This book also goes further in depth about some of the parts of her life that weren't really detailed in her first book.

At any rate...I think my reclusive behavior has no intentions of stopping until I acheive this. I've felt off for awhile. I know Katy noticed it last week when she asked if everything was okay since I seemed kind of down. I'm not really as down as I seem...I mean, yes...a part of me is a little down...but it's just the this time of year. But I'm actually just extremely introverted. My brain is churning and digesting and bringing up things that need to be spilled forth from my fingers onto the keyboard. On top of that, I've still got two weeks of this quarter left, I've got work, I've got the band, I've got to tie up a shit load of loose ends with legal stuff, financial stuff, and I also plan on concentrating December on finding a new place to live since the lease is going to run out soon.

So....my plate is pretty full...well, shit...it's actually going to be overflowing for awhile. But it's a good thing to keep me busy. It'll make the next two weeks and five days go by fast.

It's December first. I need to decorate the house for Christmas...it'll help a lot.

For now this is Candy saying it's like a rabbit hole...I'm trying to stay warm in the rabbit hole!

Current Mood: Reflective, Sentimental

Current Soundtrack: SP - MCIS Blue Disc

Current Skirt: Plaid pants

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