Welcome To CandyLand...
2003-10-21 | 6:49 a.m.
Ugh...I feel sick. I can't help but feel weird. I'm worried, I think, but I can't quite put my finger on what. Maybe I'm just having an allergic reaction to work today. Sure, the allergy is always there, but for some reason today the reaction is worse than usual.

I read something last night that made me feel weird too. I hate jealousy. I hate the fact that people feel the need to try to out-do each other. But most of all, I hate it when it's all bullshit...all psuedo bullshit that people make up just to feel better about themselves. That's sick!!!

I just want this work-day and school-day to be over with so I can fucking settle all this stuff that's stewing away in my mind.

For now this is Candy saying I will be a zombie cheerleader is 3 days. Sweet sassy molassy!

Current Mood: Tired, worried

Current Soundtrack: SP 33 Single Disc

Current Skirt: Black overalls & Kirby Grips shirt

LATER AT 1:13 PM...

So yeah...I realized today in the car that whenever I am worried or weirded out, if I just think about my band I feel better. It's like magic!! I popped in "Rinse and Repeat" on the way home from school...thought about how much I love those girls and what we do together and all my worries disappeared.

I'm feeling inspired and inventive today. I may finish the creative writing story we started in English and give it to my teacher tomorrow. I wouldn't earn any extra points, but I don't care. She really liked the start of it, and all I'm ever after is a mind to appreciate what I write...

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