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Love Is A Sentimental Heart
2003-10-19 | 4:26 p.m.
Blaaaaaaah! I hate homework. I have most of it done, except for this ridiculous (or, for those of you who are in the loop on the inside joke...ridiculice..heh heh)analysis paper for English 101. Writing four to five pages on bullshit I don't care about is tough. Perhaps I've already said that in this journal though. Maybe not. Maybe I've just whined to all of you individually instead. Ok, I'm dropping it.

I feel out of it today. Tired. Beat. What-have-you.

Last night was fun. We went to see Durango Park and Sweeper. Camaro Hair played too...but I didn't dig it. I started to fall asleep at one of the tables. Or was I passing out? ;-)

I dunno...but I got lots of compliments on my seafoam greenish teal vintage dress complete with the same shade of ripped up fish nets. So that was nice.

$7 for a fun time with good friends, some delicious beverages (thanks Katy!!), and some harmless eye candy. Can't beat that with a stick!!!

On that note though, in some degrees, it made me appreciate what I have. The most insecure issue I have in my life was brought up...and yet again, the filter prevailed. It was sad (even though I'm not looking for what I had been looking for previously - since I have something good right now) because when someone judges you or rules you out on something before they even know you it just sucks. It just makes me sad that something that brings such joy to my life is the reason for someone not wanting me in their life. So I was just meloncholy for like three split seconds when I found out. And then I realized how thankful I am for what I do have. I realized that I have lots of people in my life that appreciate that little something that I've got...and who weren't afraid....who weren't phased by it...who take joy in it too. And to all you...thank you. You prove to me on a daily basis that this fucking world can be alright sometimes. That not everyone is so caught up in themselves. That there are people out there who can look beyond a statistic to see me for who and what I am and give their love anyway. Just know that I love you all...and to you I constantly blow kisses.

And then I missed him all night. Because he is a good boy...and he loves me for who it is and what it is that I am. And I wanted him to be there with me and the few others that feel the same way as he does.

For now this is Candy saying the 3am trip to Taco Bell last night was so damn fun!

Current Mood: Out of it

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: Eh, just jeans and an Interpol shirt over a pink thermal.

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