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Too Much Rawk
2003-10-17 | 6:55 a.m.
Last night's Band Biznasty was "too rawk to handle"...we have a fantastic new song completed called Daddy Needs Money (a great one that's about Nattie but the words could also be interpreted as a hooker singing about her pimp). AND....I busted through my kick drum head. This is a first for me....I own that set's happy ass, obviously. There I was playing along when suddenly I thought my pedal broke. Nope...there was just too much rawk for the head to handle. As much as it is a hastle to replace it and tune it up, I can't help but feel very rock-n-roll.

Current Mood: TGIF! Live Radio Action tonight!

Current Soundtrack: The Jolenes - Rinse and Repeat

Current Skirt: Cherry Dress

For now this is Candy saying don't cramp my style!

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