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Sentiment? You Betcha!
2003-10-16 | 7:52 a.m.
Ahhh...lovely wet dark mornings that fade from black to grey. A perfect day for such soundtracks as AIC "Jar of Flies" where it promotes that pleasant sentimental feeling in the pit of my stomach. Its times like this that make me wish I was living downtown in some major city where I could have a gorgeous view of the rain painting everything a lovely shade of autumn. Where I could stay in my pajamas today and sit at the computer with a blanket wrapped around myself and just write all day long. Yes, I can tell if this was possible, many great things would spill forth from this brain of mine today. But alas, I'll just continue to dream.

I was thinking this morning on the way in from work how Billy Corgan was supposed to go to law school and become a lawyer but he decided to go for music instead. What if he wouldn't have? I just kept thinking how different I would be. My whole teenage-hood would have been different because they had such a huge impact on me. The way that I think would be different because of that. It's bizarre to think about.

At any rate, this is Candy saying are you ready to rock?!? Tune in to KPSU this Friday, October 17th at 5pm sharp to catch The Jolenes LIVE on the radio!! And all you folks don't have ANY excuse not to listen...you can even tune in online at their website (click the link, damnit!)

Current Mood: Calm and Sentimental

Current Soundtrack: AIC "Jar of Flies"

Current Skirt: Pinstripes

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