Welcome To CandyLand...
2003-10-22 | 7:39 a.m.
Every day this week it's been the same. I wake up and feel sick to my stomach...and NO, I'm NOT pregnant! In fact, my monthly friend flew in from hell on Saturday morning. Well, this month I consider it coming from heaven, but that's a different story I don't feel like getting into.

Anyway...I think my illness branches from work. Why do I think this? Because I have actually been toying with the notion of moving back home after the lease runs out in February so that I in fact could quit this job and live off of financial aid. Granted, I know this prospect is absolutely absurd...but it has been crossing my mind. Then the thought of being stuck in a house with my mother again gives me an instant stress ball in my right shoulder. So, of course, the answer is no...that is not a possibility. Which is sad, because this place, is in fact, killing me. But I think this death is slower than the one I would experience living back home (which is just instant suffocation). We'll just have to see how it goes. Come December, with fall quarter being over, and all I have to do is work a measley four hours a day and have tons of free time, my tune will change for awhile and maybe it will renew some much needed energy and sanity into this over-worked and under-rested body and mind of mine. We'll see. In the meantime, I look forward to tour...A five day break from the doldrums of this shitty and transitional "in the meantime" period of occupational suckiness. If I didn't have the band, I would have had a nervous breakdown by now...this is for sure.

*sigh* I also miss him. The days 'til he is home again just drag by.

For now this is Candy saying I made up a new tongue twister this morning when thinking about a funny conversation from band biznasty last night:

I've got an itch in my britch to itch the itchy itch in my britch

Current Mood: Eh. I have a presentation in English 101 today...that sort of blows. I also didn't get to bed last night 'til 12:30 am because I had to write a shitty paper analyzing Shakespeare's Sonnet 116. So I'm tired and cranky and the seasonal depression is beginning to tickle my feet.

Current Soundtrack: AIC Jar of Flies

Current Skirt: My lovely vintage seafoam green dress with matching ripped up fishnets.

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