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Underrate The Fake
2003-10-05 | 9:56 p.m.
Well, it's official. It's October and my promise to dye my hair black has been fulfilled! It is very sassy and I love it.

A big group of us went to the Greek Festival on Saturday. Mmmm mmmm delish! It's the one day out of the year where I turn my will power off and my conscious doesn't scream at me not to eat such fat-filled, heart-clogging delicious delights. I indulged in such delicasies as Spanikopita, Greek Salad, and deep fried Greek Pastry. We all walked from Katy's house...so I guess that cancelled out some of the calories (is it obvious I turned my will power and conscious back on, immediatley afterwards? hee hee)

Hmmm...what else? Oh yeah, I watched that movie "What Lies Beneath" for the first time too. It's like a milder version of the traumatizing "Stir of Echos"...but I'm still a bit freaked and will be so for approximatley two to four weeks. Supernatural shit just gets my goat. Always.

Oooh, I can hear the train. I love the sound of trains. It's one of the little things I really appreciate. It reminds me of a poem I once wrote...what was the line about the train? Soft lights on in my mind...Reading chillifying words and listening to the memories play on in the world...The softness of the train pulling in...The gentle rich black of the night sins...All beconing me to remember...That beautiful September." Ha...a poem I wrote years ago about losing my virginity. And no..."the softness of the train pulling in" is NOT a metaphor for sex...although I could see how it could be.

This all reminds me of what I was thinking in my car earlier. How what I had always refered to as one of my "handicaps" is really just an awesome filter. I always knew this deep down, but until I was able to experience it, I always just was extremely insecure about it. It's funny how shit works out and how it makes you realize you underrate important things. And how you end up underrating them is really unkown. It reminds me of what Billy Corgan said once. He said, "From time to time, I can't deal with things, and my senses get really dull. Then, out of nowhere everything will be renewed all at once to their full capacity..." I experience the same thing. This week, everything has been restored. Productivity is rising again. Not only in the things that I do (school, writing, etc.) but in my actions. I feel like I have the strength to make healthier decisions...both physically and mentally.

Well...I gotta make a phone call. So I'm off like a prom dress.

Current Mood: yeah

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: jammies

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