Welcome To CandyLand...
2003-10-02 | 9:31 p.m.
I can feel a sense of restoration going on in my brain. It's probably because I actually have to use it instead of wasting it away on auto-pilot all the time.

I'm starting to enjoy school more. I think the initial shock was a bit much, but I'm in the swing of things now. I feel much more productive in general.

Old anthems plague me as not meaning so much anymore. I guess it all goes around and around in cycles when it comes to music I listen to. Whatever is going on in my life directly relates to what it is I want to hear. Right now, nothing I own seems to fit. Maybe I should try to find something new.

Tonight is the start of a good week-end!! To be warm again is to feel good again. That safety zone that makes sleeping a tad bit easier is priceless, really. Nothing in your head...just contentedness in your heart! T minus twenty minutes until arrival...

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