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Interpol & Apple Goodness
2003-09-29 | 7:28 a.m.
What a week-end...

Friday night was Halloween thrift store shopping with my lovely ladies. All I got was a decoration for Nat's room and a "Big Hugs Mug"...the second in my collection. I like these because it reminds of a coffee cup a psychiatrist would be drinking out of. I want to acquire a whole shit load of these mugs...they're relativley easy to find in the thrift stores. It's not like you can exactly miss them since they're made of diarrhea gold ceramic and have large bubbly red writing on them.

Saturday night was group unwinding night at Katy's. A lot of that night was a blur. I remember taking a liking to their floor, though. I remember all of us sitting around while Kelly DJ'd Hall & Oates records on the turntable. After that, it's just a series of key moments...

- At one point, sitting on the floor hugging Kelly's leg while he was DJ (and Katy laughing).

- Showing Xtina the first 4 steps to the dance we're learning in hip hop (I'm pretty sure this happened...)

-Xtina saying, "It's ok...I can't feel my liver bleed!"

-Having Katy put blue eyeshadow on me in the bathroom

-Peeing with Katy at the Aalto Lounge and telling her how the bathroom didn't seem so bad that evening.

-Eating Old Mac at the Montage for free and Katy and I coming up with funny things that skanky chick's name could be that started with "R" since she had a big "R" on her shirt.

-Waking up the next morning on Katy's couch.

That was a lot of fun...we rarely all get the chance to do that. But we should make the time to all get together and do that once a month. It's good for the soul. It's also good bonding time.

Last night was the Interpol show. They are a great band, and I'm glad that I got to experience them in concert. But honestly, I don't think I'd go see them again unless a boyfriend paid for my ticket or something. Sure, you get to stare at some eye candy on a stage for about an hour while listening to some good tunes...but I can do that for way less money at a Durango Park show. I guess for me, I go to shows to see a different element than what you experience while listening to the record. Interpol did not do this for me. Sure, the guitar player is way hot..but it was like none of them showed any emotion whatsoever. The vampire in me also didn't dig the lights they kept shining on us (This also obstructed my pupils from being able to see what was goingo on up on the stage). Don't get me wrong, I still had fun and I still think they fucking own. I just wouldn't go out of my way to see them live again.

For now this is Candy saying that tennis racket player for The Stills totally ruled. Check it out check it out check it out...

Current Mood: Sleepy

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: Rad Plaid

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