Welcome To CandyLand...
Sleepy Please
2003-09-26 | 6:21 a.m.
All I want right now is my bed. My bed and my blanket and about 8 more hours of deep dark sky so I can just sleep peacefully.

Maybe this yucky coffee will help. I gave up on "office coffee sludge" a long time ago. I now drink it without the hot chocolate and in a smaller paper cup...the kind with the poker game on it and your draw card is on the bottom. Not that it matters to me any because I don't know how to play poker, but whatever.

I'm so glad this month is almost over. Next month should be fun. Speaking of October fun....instead of practicing last night, us Jolenes went to look at Halloween costumes at Abracabra. We didn't find anything that we wanted to buy...but we did discover that we like the idea of being Saloon Girls. So we'll see what happens. We are going to some thrift stores tomorrow to continue our search...

Well, that's all I got. My brain is fried on maximum strength sudafed, clarinex, and education!

For now this is Candy saying caution: contents may be hot!

Current Mood: --

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: --

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