Welcome To CandyLand...
White Girls Can't Dance
2003-09-25 | 9:20 a.m.
I'm so happy the week-end is almost here!

What I learned in school yesterday:

Hip Hop dancing is tough! I lack grace and style without a few whiskey sours in me when it comes to dancing in general. I absolutley adore the one older woman in that class, though...she's got to be in her 50s and damn, that lady can move with attitude!

For now this is Candy saying he went to get his Interpol ticket last night and they said it was sold out. He said he was sorry - he felt sooooo bad. Then he said, "JUST KIDDING!!!!! I bought one so were going to go rock our modern goth selves."

Hell yeah! Interpol. In T MINUS 2 DAYS!

Current Mood: Exhausted. Alot of this has to do with my sinus infection...I'm going to the doc today...things should be getting better.

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: My lovely 1950s style black dress with the cherries on it..complete with mary janes and bobbi socks.

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