Welcome To CandyLand...
I Heart LA - Fo' Real
2003-09-24 | 8:53 a.m.
I am very blank right now. Too much stuff going on.

I'm wearing my Powerpuff Girls watch today and it makes me happy because it reminds me of tour. I miss touring. I miss being stuck in a car for eight hours a day with three of the people that I love.

For now this is Candy saying ASS DUNK! Add an ASS DUNK! It solves everything!

Current Mood: Fried

Current Soundtrack: Interpol (Getting excited for the show)

Current Skirt: Pinstripe Pirate Pants


I can't help but feel claustrophobic sometimes. It sucks knowing that I can't truly express who the fuck it is that I am in the public eye for sixteen more years. And so the choke hold continues. People don't appreciate their freedom of speech. I don't have that freedom anymore. It was taken away by a crazy psycho who has nothing better to do than waste my time and money trying to claim his rights to own another human being as a posession. And so...to prevent that from happening any more than it already does...I am silenced. Be thankful you have a voice still in cyberspace...

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