Welcome To CandyLand...
2003-09-23 | 8:17 a.m.
I'm so aggro these days. And tired. It's because my body is shattered and torn. I have a sinus infection I've let fester for too long. So now all my face does is hurt and all my eyes do is strain and all my body does is feel broken. I'm going to make a doctor's appointment today to get me some antibiotics and hopefully another free sample of FloNase. Oh yes...I love that FloNase!

Other than that, I was just thinking while I was sitting here listening to Interpol and doing my job, that I hate how JubJub loves The White Stripes. I hate how he thinks he's so damn cool for going to Europe. I hate how he thinks he's so fucking original when it comes to music when he's just like any other stupid nameless "rock" artist out there. That's what I hated about Stubbs the Clueless WonderBoy too.

I don't know...I've been bitching alot about stupid shit lately. I guess it just seems that once we hurdle over obstacles there are just more waiting for us on the other side. I feel like I am in a constant state of "In The Meantime" for the past two years and I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever end. I guess not. This is life. I'm reminded of a funny quote I once heard: Life's a bitch...and then you marry one. ha ha! No...I can handle small "Meantimes" but the large ones suck...I guess that's what your twenties are all about though.

For now this is Candy saying nobody lingers like your hands on my heart and nobody figures like you figured me out.

Current Mood: Tired. Cranky. Whiney.

Curent Soundtrack: INTERPOL! (Concert Sunday...oh sweet sweet day!)

Current Skirt: Black Dickies Nurse Dress

Oooh! The weekly Strong Bad email came out yesterday...I'm in for a treat later!

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