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Eyelash Shmylash
2003-09-11 | 11:40 a.m.
It just occurred to me that eyelashes look like spider legs. One of mine fell off my eyelid onto the canary yellow notepad sitting upon my desk. I wonder if all those organisms living in my eyelashes (what are they? mites?? I remember learning about them a long time ago) continue to live on eyelashes after they fall out? I also wonder if mascara kills them? If this is the case, I have killed a lot of eyelash mites in my day. But today...today they can live. We'll see about tomorrow. Tomorrow's not lookin' so good for them.

On the subject of eyelashes...I'd much rather find an eyelash in my food at a restaurant than a hair...especially if it's of the pubic breed. I suppose eyelashes and hair are sort of the same thing...but for some reason eyelashes seem way less gross and way more sterile. Perhaps I am mistaken though.

This guy at my work asked me today where he could buy our CD. He's stopping at EM on Burnside to pick it up today before he leaves on a roadtrip to Seattle. He was all, "I wanna play it for the boys!" He cracks me up. He might have The Jolenes play for his wife's birthday at the Bridgeport Brewery. Free Pintail? Mmmmm...I'm in.

For now this is Candy saying Fresca? You betcha!

Current Mood: Bored and tired

Current Soundtrack: Smashing Pumpkins - Greatest Hits. Playing right now is "Cherub Rock"

Current Skirt: Denim

I love my knee hi socks and boots. The weather lately has been allowing me to partake in such joys. Hooray! Although...a new pair of boots is in order, I think.

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