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Frosted Pupcakes...
2004-04-08 | 7:31 a.m.
Abortion is bad because you don't know...you could be killing the next Einstein or Newton..."

"Or Charles Manson!" I chimed in.

That class pisses me off sometimes. Kids discussing how killing eagle eggs and puppy fetuses is wrong. Then I pipe up with, "Well, you eat meat, don't you?" and they shoot me filthy looks like I'm some type of hippy. Then they attack me and get pissed off when all I have to say is, "Hey, I'd eat a hamburger too if it wouldn't make me fat!" I just like to rattle their cages....

That book Ella Price's Journal is starting to bother me...I'm not really sure why. But I won't have a full conclusion on what I think until I finish it.

I get to read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for women's studies...so I am excited about that.

I talked to Meredith last night. She has been really sick for months and I just feel terrible. It was good to hear her voice. She always has a good story for me. This time it was about how her ex-boyfriend came over drunk while she was hanging out with her current boyfriend and how they all hung out together and drank. And then she said, "I had to hide the alcohol behind our church pew!" and I laughed so hard....because that statement just rules. I hope to hang out with her soon....I miss her.

But for now this is Candy saying let the vacation begin...

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