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Well, Another Day Another Kick in the Crotch
2004-02-07 | 8:24 p.m.
Man, today was rough. I feel like I got hit by a train....just exhausted on all sorts of levels.

I was reading Miss Meredith's online diary tonight because she informed me last night that she had started one up. It was one of those things that when you read it, you just want to keep reading it. It made me laugh and made me want to cry (but I am too fucking exhausted to do that at the moment) and, of course, it made me realize that I will always love her. The most intelligent and truthful words were written in her diary at 2004-02-06 at 4:54 AM.

Big thanks to Kelly for spotting me the cash to get inside the Ash Street Saloon last night. I thought I had a twenty dollar bill but it was really a one. When I tried to hand it to the door guy I realized what was up. And I felt like a big fucking idiot.

I got some new clothes today...a gothy black dress and a cool black metal chair for my living room thanks to the Goodwill. I also got a cool new shirt and some red and black gothy pirate pantaloons to wear underneath skirts and dresses thanks to the cool bazaar held at Nocturnal. Katy just kept calling my cell phone..."Pirates and the Virgin Mary are everywhere...you gotta come!" So as soon as I was done hanging out with my mom I scooted by booty down there and am glad I got the pantaloons.

Speaking of hanging out with my mom...ugh. I love her. I do. But she calls me at 10 in the morning and wants me to go to the fucking Vancouver Mall. I fucking hate that place with a passion. I mean, we did get to go to Goodwill and Value Village first, which was great. But then we went to the mall. Where people are. And I hate people...especially the people there. So come to think of it, that's probably why I am so exhausted...dealing with the mall and my mom who likes to talk just to hear her own voice and gets pissy when I don't have anything to say. I'm just glad she doesn't try to pick out clothes for me anymore.

But yeah...I think I pretty much hate the culture over here on this side of the river. All the people I love live in SE Portland boxed in between Hawthorne and Burniside & 39th and 21st...(if Heidi still lived here Burnside would = Sandy). I hate people over here. I hate people at the Vancouver Mall. I hate people at Clark College.

I am disenchanted with the world right now...and the fact that I wish someone was here to hold me tonight, but I will just be here alone.

Son of a bitch...I just read that last line...I totally have PMS...it's just a week away....let the fun begin.

Current Mood: Tired

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: Just my pajamas right now...

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