Welcome To CandyLand...
2004-02-06 | 7:09 a.m.
I feel like I am moving at the speed of a slug...I had to hit the snooze button twice and even then I could barely peel myself out from underneath the cozy black covers and kitty blanket. I am so taking a nap when I get home from school today. And it is going to be delicious! Let's just hope my neighborhood can shut the fuck up for a few hours...*laughs* Who the hell do I think I'm kidding?

For now this is Candy saying your neighbors are awesome! Or they rule. I can't remember which.


We got the mixes of our songs for the vinyl in the mail yesterday!! I was excited to hear my drumming on a Jolenes recording and also excited that we are a step closer to having our sparkly pink vinyl in our hot little hands. We also started working on a new song last night that I like a lot. When I play it I totally get into fuckin' rawk face like Jimmy in the Zero video...like I'm going to own your ass but you know you're going to love it.

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