Welcome To CandyLand...
Fun Times Hell Yeah!
2004-01-24 | 7:07 p.m.
Oh man...It's nearly 7pm and I'm still somewhat out of it from last night. What a crazy time! But what can I say? There's nothing like hanging out with your best friends all night and then coming back to their place only to snuggle into bed between them. Oh yes...it gets better too! In the morning we all sat around in our pajamas and nerd glasses and ate Hello Kitty waffles. It's times like that you can kick back and say...life is good when you're blessed with good people in it!!

For now this is Candy saying the blue t-shirt club rules!

Current Mood: Out of it, but happy

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: Just jeans and a Teen Girl Squad t-shirt

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