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Sleepy From A Good Night
2004-01-11 | 10:32 p.m.
Oh...so...stuffed. And bloated. *pats belly*

Tonight was PMS girls night! We (Nats, Katy, Xtina, and I) all went to Katy's for cookie-making, pizza-eating, and TV-watching! It was a good time...especially since I went over there in my pajamas. Oh! And since Nattie behaved until she got into her destructo-mode. That's when I know she is tired and ready for bed. Destructo is a form of crankiness caused by sleep deprivation. That's when Nattie suddenly can't seem to listen or be happy unless she is making messes or just getting into everytyhing she knows she's not supposed to. So that was a sign that our night had come to a close. The amazing thing was that she didn't fall asleep on the way home...even though I was playing praise songs in the car. Well, I was singing along at the top of my lungs feeling all quivery and good inside...so I guess perhaps it was too noisy for slumber.

Ack! I feel yucky and PMS-ridden. I have had cramps off and on since last night. I just want it to come so I can feel better and not cry all the time and be able take the PMS goggles off.

Man, I was so used to being spoiled around here. I was saddened that I had to go and get my own glass of bedtime water tonight. It's going to be a rough few months...

With that said, this is Candy saying mama...oooh! that's hot!

Current Mood: Sleeeeeepy!

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: PJ's!

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