Welcome To CandyLand...
Snow Day!
2004-01-06 | 3:19 p.m.
Well, I was wrong. I'm snowed in. Portland is basically shut down and the freezing rain has started.

No worries though...Katy and I are getting drunk together in cyberspace. Well, not drunk...just having a little fun. What else are you supposed to do when you're snowed-in?

*sigh* This weather blows goat nads. I just want it to go back to where I'm mobile again and I can do my daily functions.

Until then, Katy and I are having fun!!


I recruited Meredith into the drinking fun. We're browsing merchandise on various websites and telling each other what we like. We like the same things. I am getting buzzzzzzZzzzzZzzzed!!!

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