Welcome To CandyLand...
2004-01-05 | 10:02 p.m.
Ha! Snow storm my ass!!! First it was going to hit at 5pm, then 8pm, then 10pm. And still no snow? How do I know this? The idiot with the dirt bike is riding around the 'hood. He wouldn't be able to do it in the snow. Although, he must be freezing his nads off in this crazy seventeen degree + 40MPH wind debacle we call the current weather pattern. Anyway, now I'm doubting that this so-called snow storm will even happen. Well, good!! I have shit I have to do tomorrow.


Well, I got homework in all my classes, two of which I still don't have textbooks. Meh. Whatever. I ordered them from the online bookstore so they should be here soon.

MATH095 - Doesn't seem as hard as I had anticipated. Perhaps I am wrong. I managed to get a B+ out of MATH090 so lets hope for the same thing for this class. Then it's just one more math class and I can be done with stupid numbers and shit. Yippeee!!

INTRO TO SHAKESPEARE - Ugh. It's going to be the death of me this quarter. Just all the fucking reading of shit in a diction I don't comprehend. Five plays! We have to read five fucking plays!! I'm going to strive for a C+ in this class. Half-ass as much as I can and count down the days until it is over.

DESIGN ESSENTIALS - Now we're talking. This class is going to be fun because it is an art credit. We're going to learn all the basic essentials of design and work on computers. We even get to make collages towards the end of the quarter, which rules because it is one of my hobbies anyway. "Be sure to collect lots of magazines"...uh...done and done, lady. I have a huge trunk of collage supplies that weighs about fifty pounds!!!

So that's that.

Oh yeah...I also met a cool girl from Germany who sits next to me in Design Essentials. Her name is Julia and she is 22. She struck me because she has the same tall and skinny body structre and angles in her face and the same nose-structure as Marilyn Manson. It's like Manson if he was a girl without all the goth make-up. She seems pretty rad, though. I came to this conclusion because we kept making the same faces at each other while the teacher was talking and we talked a bit after class. I like the fact that she's 22. I'll convince her and her boyfriend come see The Jolenes sometime. They will be able to get in, unlike all the little children I met at school last quarter.

Well, fuck. I better get to bed. I had to call the landlord today because the sink is out of order in the upstairs goth bathroom. Last week only the hot water didn't work. Now there is no water. The faucet handles broke. That's life in the ghetto....

For now this is Candy saying what's with all the krinkle krackle?!

Current Mood: zzzZzzZ

Current Soundtrack: --

Current Skirt: PJ's!!!

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