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Happy New Year Foolio!
2004-01-01 | 5:09 p.m.

Last night was the best new years eve I've ever had in my entire life! I had a lot of fun at Sabrina-n-Xtina's party. I didn't take any pictures which makes me sad because I brought my camera. That's ok, I was too busy having fun. Everyone kept wanting me to bust out the hip-hop moves in the dance studio in the basement, but I never got drunk enough. I think the fact actually is that I will never get drunk enough to bust them out. Unless someone happened to play the actual song I learned the moves to...then it would just be knee-jerk reaction. It was nice to see Rachel. I hadn't seen her since the Rawkin' August Tour. Every time she saw me she kept screaming, "Candy, Candy, Candy!" She kept wanting me to take a sip of her drink because she had those fancy swirly straws with two openings. She kept saying, "Come on, girl! It's Valentine's Day! I can't drink from the straw by myself!" I finally did it once, even though I was scared. But I just took a tiny sip because I didn't know if it was laced with anything. She left me alone after that. The one person I really wish could have been there who wasn't was Jake. He had to be a slave at the Aalto Lounge that evening. Boyfriend and I ended up not leaving until almost 3:30AM and then didn't fall asleep until about 4:30AM because once we got home we weren't sleepy right away and just lied in bed cuddling and talking for awhile. When we woke up this morning around 11, we found it had snowed all morning, leaving a fresh blanket of snow on top of a thick layer of ice. We walked around the ghetto and had a playful snowball fight which was good times.

I finished watching that kitschy Seattle grunge movie "Singles" tonight. It took me three days to finish because I kept getting interrupted. I think the movie has its funny parts and perhaps swirling somewhere in it is a good message. But it is somewhat cheesy in the same way that "Reality Bites" is....which is because it is simply Generation X Kitsch.

Other than that, I think Katy and I have twin ailments of early PMS. Which would explain my weird depression a few days ago. It was fixed with a game of "Throw the Care Bears Down the Stairs"....sometimes freak-outs are cured by the simplest things. It's just a matter of stopping the over-active worry-wartedness and coming back down to reality.

For now this is Candy saying Oh...I'm just making a gourmet dish I like to call le macaroni en cheez!

Current Mood: :-)

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