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Sniggy Wiggity Snow
2003-12-31 | 12:37 p.m.
S - Stuck at my mom's house!

N - Never going to get out of here!

O - Open to escape suggestions

W - Why oh why did I have to get stuck here?

It's snowing and I love the snow!!! It makes me happy but I got stuck at my parents' house without a car because when it snows here in the Cam-ass it likes to get icy. My dad had to come rescue me from the QFC parking lot where I was smart enough to leave my car instead of trying to drive up the steep roads to my parents' house to pick up Nattie last night after band biznasty. (whew! I heart run-on sentences *wink*) About half a dozen cars were spun out going each way on the road I would have had to have taken. But my dad had chains on his truck...so he rules.

I just want to go home where I'm sure the snow has painted the ghetto where my apartment sits a lovely shade of good. And the the idiot with the noisy dirt bike can't ride it around the 'hood in the icy snow! Mwah ha ha ha!

But alas...I am stuck here until Boyfriend comes and rescues me later on this afternoon *sigh*

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