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Yo yo yo
2003-12-10 | 6:37 a.m.
I love it when my mom goes grocery shopping and there are fresh bagels and fat free cream cheese waiting for me at her house in the mornings. Then I can make myself one when I drop Nattie off and eat it in the car on the way to work.

This particular morning, it made me remember something that made me laugh...

I was driving down Hwy 14 listening to SP's Judas 0 disc (which has been in my car stereo since Spanksgiving), eating my bagel when I remembered back to the eigth grade when I used to hang out with this kid Jeff MacKay. I remember one time his little brother Jimmy asked me what I had for lunch that day and told him a half of a bagel and some other stuff that I can't remember and him going off on me that I was a liar. I mean, sure, I was lying. Do you think a fat little girl is going to admit to eating a bunch of crap?

So then I started to think about Jeff MacKay and how I had a crush on him for about a year in seventh/eigth grade. He's someone I haven't thought about since Meredith said she ran into him at her work about a year ago. Anyway...I remember one day being over at his house and him bothering me about who my crush was. I wouldn't tell. So then he started asking people's names. I'd shake my head and then he'd say the clincher..."Do you swear to God?" Now, me being the the little girl that thought if I swore to God when it was a lie, I would burn in the depths of hell for all eternity....I was forced to answer this question truthfully. Which wasn't a big deal until he asked, "Is it me?" I shook my head no. "Do you swear to God?" I shook my head no. I think I started to cry. *chuckles*

The next day, I got a note from him on the bus (yes...a note...it was Jr. High!!!) saying how he didn't like me like that and whatever. Then he started to be even more of a dick than he already was. Why? Because he knew that I was vunerable. So what did I do? I got together with Tasia and we made up a pseudo boyfriend for me. LOL! God...it's pathetic (In a totally comical way!!) how kids are in Jr. High. I can't remember psudo's name...but I'm sure if I were to ask Tasia she would remember. She even wrote notes to me in her handwriting that I'd leave in my room for Jeff to find, which he did. The thing is....he became insanely jealous (which was, of course, not the plan. The plan was just so that he'd shut the fuck up about the crush I'd had on him. The jealousy was just an added bonus)!!! Then I got another note from him one day about how he was sorry for acting weird and he admitted to being a little jealous. After that, his bitchiness ceased. And Tasia and I dropped the charade.

So there I sat this morning in my car, laughing my ass off because I had totally forgotten about that. I sat there thinking about how glad I am to be an adult.

The things I mostly remember about Jeff were the things that made me think he was gay: How he always wore that CK One shit (the smell still makes me sick to this day), How he came over to my house and painted his nails Tutti Frutti pink (I had cool colors too...like blue...but he picked the bright obnoxious old lady pink), how he was obsessed with Madonna (he was probably obsessed with Cher too!!). I stopped talking to him after he moved to Vancouver. I remember him making fun of me playing the drums and how Tasia and I were going to start a band. That was the last straw. Then one day about four months after I stopped talking to him, he calls me up out of nowhere. I am being a cold bitch to him. He wasn't getting the hint so I finally said, "I gotta go." He asked, "Will you call me later?" I replied, "No." When he asked me why, I just said, "Because I don't want to." I never heard from him again. I always figured he was calling because he needed a ride to the SP concert (which was only weeks away at the time I received the phone call). I was always a little jealous that he got better seats than me. He liked them because at that time, they were at their heightened popularity. He probably sold all their CDs on eBay years ago. That's ok...I got sweet seats the last time they came around.

Then I got thinking about what a small world it is. That same year as the bagel/crush incident Jeff dated this girl Kim Filion who is related to my ex-husband Mark (I think they're second cousins or something). Which means my daughter is related to Kim.

Kim and I had been driving partners during our driver's ed test. I had no clue back then that this girl would be related to my future daughter!!!

Anyway...enough deep thinking...time for work.

Current Mood: PMS...so kind of sulky

Current Soundtrack: Zwan

Current Skirt: Pirate pinstripe pants

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