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I'm a Survivor (Werd)
2003-09-19 | 6:34 a.m.
Last day of full time employment. Oh sweet sweet day!

Band biznasty was chalk full of productivity last night! We learned a heavy and rawkin' angry version of Destiny's Child "Survivor"....the chorus is very bashy...which rules. I feel like the drum beat for that part is very Dave Grohl-esque. Overall, we made the song very chuggy...it's fun. I even have a backing vocal part!

The only shitty this is that it will totally be stuck in my head for days now!

We also made a quick visit to Jake at the Aalto Lounge to drop off some negatives we wanted to borrow and pick up some pictures he had for us. He's got a lot of cool pictures hanging up in his kitchen there...one was the inside of our CD insert blown up. He is so damn cute!

Ugh...I have a weird headache this morning.

For now this is Candy saying I'm the face in your dreams of glass.

Current Mood: Tired but happy it's Friday

Current Soundtrack: Smashing Pumpkins - Greatest Hits

Current Skirt: Black pinstriped pleasantness


As all of you may or may not know, my latest obession is this lovely website (click me!). Especially Strong Bad's idependent comic Teen Girl Squad. It's one of those things in life that I wish I would have thought of. And for a split second this morning, in the midst of Cubeland boredom, I secretly wanted to come up with my own comic. Then I started to laugh because I remembered the time Mark wanted to write comics for a living. He actually did create one episode that hung on our fridge for awhile. It was about our cat, Rimshot and his fictional master, some old man. I just remember the old man making the cat work at Taco Bell. It makes me laugh because if Rimshot really could have worked at Taco Bell, Mark would have made him because he is really that much of a lazy piece of... Yeah..well anyway..Meredith and I used to have a plan to rescue that poor cat...but we never did. Now when Nattie sees the white cat that lives in the aparment above our garage, she says, "RIMSHOT!" so at least I know that the cat is still alive. And not working at the Taco Hell. But probably just as miserable as if he did!

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