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Wiggity Wack Wednesday
2003-09-18 | 6:55 a.m.
Well...it's official. I can now receive the student discount at the movie theatre! I went and purchased my student ID yesterday...the picture of me on it is horrible. Because it is digital. Or something.

Anyway...I saw the independent film Thirteen on my date with Meredith on Tuesday night. It was intense. Especially the end, which, when mixed with the fact that it's that special pixie moon cycle time right now, had me crying at the end. Mostly because I realized that in eleven years I was going to be the mother of a thirteen-year-old daughter and it scared the shit out of me.

I saw in the Willy Week that The Red Hot Chili Peppers are coming to town! I want to go SO BAD! I should see if my brother wants to go with me...he's the only person I can think of that would actually want to see them.

I went to bed early again last night. I've been so damn tired latley. I think my three-month insomnia streak is finally over! I am a champion...whoo!

I bought a shitty "Tribute to Smashing Pumpkins" CD on Tuesday night at Everyday Music. As I was listening to it I thought, "Why the hell did I buy this? If I want to hear these songs, I would rather just listen to the real thing than some shitty version that does The Smashing Pumpkins no justice!'. So yeah...lesson learned on tribute CDs: THEY BLOW! Well, Apocalyptica was cool..."Three cellos play Metallica." Although, three cellos could play just about anything and I'd think it was amazing.

Hmmmm....all I did yesterday was kick it with my mom. She took me to the college to tie up some loose ends, went out to lunch, and went on an unsuccessful search for a book bag. Then I took a three hour nap during most of the afternoon. Lastly, I went home and did two loads of laundry, a load of dishes, and cleaned up my room.

Well, for now this is Candy saying I hate the smell of Freesia! BLARG!

Current Mood: I wanna go home!

Current Soundtrack: Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits

Current Skirt: New black dress with cherries on it!

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