Welcome To CandyLand...
Super Heroine
2003-09-04 | 11:41 p.m.
I hate this! My brain is so dead by the time I get around to this thing anymore. Sure, there are plenty of great topics I could span across while I'm wasting my life away at work...but alas, you know the story.

This week is going by sooooo slow!

But tomorrow is Friday!

And I completed constructing my Super-Heroine outfit for The Jolenes show for MusicFestNW on Saturday. It is quite exquisite if I do say so myself. I'll try to get someone to take a picture of me in it to post up on here.


Well, for now this is Candy saying these are my favorite driving pants and they have muffin in the crotch. Well, actually it's coffee cake!

Current Mood: Exhausted

Current Soundtrack: Whatever song is playing on this Durango Park website I'm taking a looksie loo at...I like it.

Current Skirt: It's too hot and too late. I'm just in super-hero underwear and a tank top.

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