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Can't Take Incubation Another Day
2003-09-02 | 11:52 p.m.
SLACKER! Yes, I know. That is what I am. Guilty as charged...

Anyway...I have like 8 minutes to write because I promised myself I'd be in bed by midnight tonight.

So I'm going to take this time to bitch about having to work tomorrow. It is that time again where we have a short work-week due to some holiday. So the national holidays, as a rule of thumb, cancel out CandyLand's weekly holiday known as Hump Day.

6 minutes....

I could have used tomorrow to do the huge list of errands I have acquired. I need to go grocery shopping, mail bills, deposit money at the bank, clean my room (just put away the mounds of clothes), and uh, not slack on this here thing.

4 minutes...

My excuse for the negligence on this diary is that last week our company sent out the big e-mail to everyone that they send out every so often warning us that they are tracking what we do online and that it states plainly in sections blah blah blah in the employee handbook that the internet is not for personal use. So everyone lays low for awhile...say a month if you're lucky...until one day you've got nothing to do because your boss is on vacation and you get an itch in your britch to take a looksie loo at stuff you don't really need, but that you really want on eBay. Harmless. Three months later you're checking your three different email accounts at 10 minute intervals. Then the email comes around again. It's a viscious cycle. I'm glad I'm only going to be working there part-time and going to school part-time. Get my ass out of there before I'm old and gray. That's the plan.

1 minute....

For now this is Candy saying I'm a clone...I know I'm fine...I'm one of more on the waaaaay....

Name that tune.


Current Mood: Sleepy

Current Soundtrack: SP's cover of Alice Coopers "Clones" is stuck in my head. I gave it away! Damnit!

Current Skirt: Just a light and airy nightie!


Close enough! ;-)

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