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A Cool Review
2004-02-13 | 9:41 a.m.
Well...another day another something. We got some new reviews...both of which were good...but this one really made me happy because someone who generally hates girlie stuff really digs us....

From: http://www.nofrontteeth.co.uk/2004reviews.html


This is that girlie, delicate, cute power pop that reminds me of stuff on the Damaged Goods label. This type of thing has to be done just right for me to appreciate it since I generally listen to hostile shit and this is the other end of the field, but THE JOLENES do it very well, and when I need that break from antagonism they fit the bill indeed. It�s usually about 50-50 with bands in this genre - it either goes one way or the other, no in-betweens and THE JOLENES are on the side I dig. I really like the cover too.

Other than that...not much is up. I just got out of the shower and I get to be alone in sweet delicious solitude 'til 1. Which means I get to email Katy and listen to music that I usually don't get to hear....

Current Mood: A little hungry

Current Soundtrack: Danzig - "Mother"


The sun is shining and I opened the miniblinds so the sun could come inside and warm up my cold feet. I'm watching a video of Billy Corgan play "To Shelia" on an acoustic guitar in a foreign land in the middle of a town square and I can't help but smile and think no matter how old he gets...he still has that baby face when he smiles.

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